Gardener’s Quips and Quotes

This is an interesting concept, that your gardening style is related to your Astrological Sign!  What do you think?  Do you see yourself in this gardening horoscope?


Gardening and Horoscopes
By the Astrocenter Team

It's now safe to plant outdoors in the Northern Hemisphere. But what will you grow in your garden of earthly delights?Flowers, herbs, vegetables, fruit-bearing trees, decorative shrubs - what a decision! Before you head off to the garden center, take a peek below to see which type of gardening suits your disposition best.

Seeds and life

Regardless of your choice, once you're down on your hands and knees, digging into the earth, don't be surprised if you're inspired to plant seeds in other areas of your life. Gardening isn't just fun. It's therapeutic.


(March 21 - April 19)
Patience has never been one of your most famous traits, so if a project doesn't show results quickly, chances are good that it may not get finished.

Garden ideas

When deciding what to plant in your garden, forget about seeds. Get yourself some seedlings or mature plants of the fast-growing, hardy variety. Don't waste your time on anything that's not perennial, and don't be surprised if your favorite part of gardening is doing battle with the enemy: weeds.


(April 20 - May 20)
You, Taurus, don't ever start a project unless you fully intend to finish it. That goes double for projects that involve living things.

Garden ideas

You love good food and have quite the green thumb, so growing veggies, fruit, and herbs is a must. Yet your fondness for sweet sights and scents means you'll need a colorful, aromatic flowerbed, too. Oh, and trees - don't forget the trees. Sure, they'll take years to grow, but you won't mind. Patience is your middle name.


(May 21 - June 21)
You're perpetually busy, so free time isn't just rare; it's priceless and absolutely must be spent on fascinating activities. For gardening to fit into that category, a virtual buffet of brightly colored flowers is the only option.

Garden ideas

Choose fast-growing blossoms, and start with plants, not seeds. Then, you might want to just skip all the work and buy the flowers at your local outdoor market.


(June 22 - July 22)
A garden is a required part of your nesting process. It's part of what makes a house a home. You won't settle for one type of greenery, either.

Garden ideas

You want flowers, herbs, veggies, and fruit - a little bit of everything. If you don't have a yard, you'll manage to create your own little Eden on your deck or patio. Getting your hands dirty in good, rich earth is the point. It's healing to your soul, your mind, and your heart.


(July 23 - August 22)
Showy, extravagant, colorful and impressive - that's a garden worthy of regal Leo. Better still if it's chock-full of rare blooms in imaginative displays. You'll only be satisfied if the end result is something you're proud enough to submit for the cover of Town and Country. In your mind, that's a garden.

Garden ideas

Be sure you have qualified help with new plants and seedlings and with rearranging and pruning your "permanent residents." If you opt to go it alone, prepare yourself to do two full-time jobs.


(August 23 - September 22)
You have a famous connection with leaf-creatures, so strong that they can't help but flourish under your care. That applies equally to the finicky African violets on the windowsill to your hardy vegetable garden, regularly producing enough to feed a family of four for the year.

Garden ideas

Warn your friends not to worry if they don't hear from you for a while. 'Tis the season to ignore your two-legged friends in favor of your green-legged "buds."


(September 23 - October 22)
Creating and maintaining balance, harmony and beauty - that's your job. It's not easy, but during growing season you have an excuse to indulge yourself in one of the more pleasant aspects of your astrological work: planting and tending to flowers.

Garden ideas

You have a knack for arranging a garden - from seeds, mind you - so that the heights, colors, and even the size and shape of the blooms are perfectly symmetrical. It's magical, and the final result is equally enchanting.


(October 23 - November 21)
As a lover of secrets, you prefer what's behind the scenes and beneath the surface, and you absolutely must be in control of any project you take on.When it's time to plant a garden, then, anything that's already growing just won't work.

Garden ideas

You want to start from scratch. Planting seeds is terrific, but your all-time favorite is bulbs. Seeing them sprout from the earth you've personally turned, worked, and fertilized is the ultimate in satisfaction.You have zero tolerance for weeds.


(November 22 - December 21)
Anything with fur, feathers, or leaves is automatically a member of your extended family, and you treat them all with love and respect.

Garden ideas

Since bigger is always better in your book, your favorite leaf-creatures are trees or plants that are capable of becoming trees. If your garden is potted, start with avocado pits or apple or orange seeds. If you've got acres, go for broke. Start an orchard - and maybe a business.


(December 22 - January 19)
Before you invest your valuable time and energy into a garden, you'll map it out on a grid, read up on the expected growth demographics in several books, and then, finally, when all conditions are right, plant your seeds.

Garden ideas

There will be no need to thin out rows of seedlings, as some guides suggest. You'll plant exactly what you want to grow and tend to every seed until it's a mature plant.


(January 20 - February 18)
Being different and making sure everyone notices that fact is what you live for. So when you decide to start a garden, you'll spend more time finding unusual plants and flowers than you will putting them in.

Garden ideas

Another alternative is to buy a seed mix, scatter it in your yard, and wait to be surprised by what comes up. Your garden tends to be weedy, though. To you, "weed" is just a label. Every living thing has an equal right to survive.


(February 19 - March 20)
Your yard is probably full of lovely greenery - an assortment of plants, flowers, and trees that you're sentimentally attached to. Your grandmother's rosebush may be next to the mailbox, your Mom's African violets in your window box, and that tree out front has probably been there since you were in grammar school (aren't those your initials on the trunk?).

Garden ideas

Tending to these precious creatures comes naturally, but when you choose something new, it's with your own children - and grandchildren - in mind.




Anything that I have to say would simply be redundant.





Today is the first day of Spring!  Please, enjoy this beautiful Ode to Spring, by Elizabeth Bentley:


Elizabeth Bentley 
Ode To Spring

WELCOME, sweet season of delight,
What beauties charm the wond'ring sight
In thy enchanting reign!
How fresh descends the morning dew,
Whilst op'ning flow'rs of various hue
Bedeck the sprightly plain.
The artless warblers of the grove
Again unite in songs of love,
To bless thy kind return:
But first the lark, who roaring seems
To hail the orb of day, whose beams
With fresh refulgence burn.

The limpid brook that purls along,
The tuneful blackbird's joyous song,
The softly-whisp'ring breeze;
The mossy hills, which now invite,
These with the verdant meads unite,
Th' elated mind to please.
The mind with thoughts of good possest,
With innocence and virtue blest,
Untaught in vice's ways;
May taste those joys by nature giv'n,
May lift th' enraptur'd eye to heav'n,
And their great Author praise.
Stern Winter's gloomy season past,
We see fair Spring advances fast,
With Summer in the rear;
Soon Autumn's shades will interpose,
And a succeeding Winter close
The swift-revolving year.

Of human life an emblem true,
The early morn of youth we view,
In Spring's delightful face;
Meridian life's a Summer's day,
With Autumn fades; its quick decay,
In winter's blast we trace.
Then let us prize each fleeting hour,
Improve the moments in our pow'r,
E'er time shall cease to be;
Then shall our spirits, taking wing,
Be crown'd with an eternal Spring,
From Wint'ry storms set free.


Spring is here, and has been here in Tampa, for the last few weeks.  Tomorrow, though, is officially the first day of Spring.   Of course, we welcome it, even though we had a relatively mild winter, as our gardening and outdoor activities can begin in earnest.

Our friends and family members up north, though, have not been as similarly blessed.  For them, Spring still feels weeks away, and I suppose it is.  To show our compassion and solidarity, I have this ode to spring, to share with all:

Ode To Spring

It snowed today
Like yesterday
And once more
Snow tomorrow

A harsh winter
That's what they say
Colder than it's ever been
Snow like we've never seen
Spring... it will be late

But I will wait, for like fate
Spring always follows
Spring always comes
Spring has never failed me

Even under 6 feet of sorrow
No matter how long I burrow
Spring somehow always finds me

Submitted: Sunday, January 18, 2009
Edited: Thursday, July 07, 2011
website link:
It is a beautiful ode, so soulfully written and emotionally expressed, wouldn't you agree?


With a beautiful day like today, so reminiscent of Spring, it beckons to my Gardener's heart.  Early Spring, though, has a beguiling nature, offering promises that may not be fulfilled, should one respond to it's call too early.  With that said and my many years of personal experience, my Landscaper's mind cautions me to not rush in.   Winter owns this day, and at least another twenty more.

A Quote by Henry Van Dyke:

"The first day of Spring is one thing, and the first Spring day is another.  The difference between them is sometimes as great as a month."

How true!  The official first day of spring is March 20, 2014, but I suspect that we won't have to wait that long.....

Shall we compare our hearts to a garden-

with beautiful blooms, straggling weeds,

swopping birds and sunshine, rain-

And, most importantly, seeds.  ~Terri Guillemets

Too many of you may feel that you have a "black thumb", and become discouraged with your landscaping and gardening efforts.  I'm here to tell you that you don't have a black thumb, and even those of us that have been at it for years, will feel the same way from time to time.   True enough, though, there is nothing worse than a depressed gardener, when even your plants die.....

Have heart, as this year's rainy season even has me replacing lots of root-rotted plants!  So maybe it's not a black thumb after-all, as even this quote confirms:

"There is no gardening without humility.  Nature is constantly sending even it's oldest scholars to the bottom of the class for some egregious blunder."  ~Alfred Austin

In anticipation of preparing my plot for a fall season vegetable garden, I thought that this Quote of The Day was most appropriate:

"Gardening is cheaper than therapy and you get tomatoes" ~ Author Unknown

Hah!  That's truer than we will ever know!

This quote for today seems appropriate, given our recent rains and the weeds that follow soon after:

"I appreciate the misunderstanding I have had with Nature over my perennial border.  I think it is a flower garden, she thinks it is a meadow lacking grass, and tries to correct the error." ~ Sara Stein, My Weeds, 1988


Fret not, they just need a little more growing time.  Here's an old gardener's adage to keep in mind, about the growth of newly installed plants:

"The first year they Sleep, the second year they Creep, and the third year they Leap!"

That is mostly true for everything except herbs, vegetable, and annuals!